10 Achievements of Constantine I the Great

Posted by Powee Celdran “With free minds, all are to worship their Gods.” -Constantine I the Great Welcome back to the Byzantium Blogger and here we are again with another Byzantine history article! In this one being the sixth part of this series featuring top lists concerning the lives of certain emperors who I thinkContinue reading “10 Achievements of Constantine I the Great”

Insights from 4 Content Creators on Popularizing Byzantine History

Posted by Powee Celdran Welcome back to the Byzantium Blogger! For this post, I would be taking a break from my recent series on the top lists concerning Byzantine emperors and will thus return to doing an interactive article wherein this one will feature interviews with fellow content creators on Byzantine history such as myself.Continue reading “Insights from 4 Content Creators on Popularizing Byzantine History”

Battle for Byzantium: The Board Game- A Tour of the Game’s 18 Cities

Posted by Powee Celdran See previous article on the “Battle for Byzantium” board game here. The board game Battle for Byzantium is soon to be released! Last time, I wrote an article on the board game I am producing, how I came up with the idea of it, and what to expect from it. NowContinue reading “Battle for Byzantium: The Board Game- A Tour of the Game’s 18 Cities”

Battle for Byzantium: The Board Game- How it All Started and What to Expect

Posted by Powee Celdran The idea for the game began in 2019 when I found myself immersed in the rich and colorful history of the Byzantine Empire after reading about the Eastern Romans and traveling to some of their historic cities in Europe. This sparked a journey of discovery that led me to discover evenContinue reading “Battle for Byzantium: The Board Game- How it All Started and What to Expect”

Byzantine Alternate History Chapter X- The 2nd Bulgarian Empire Captures Constantinople, 1235

Posted by Powee Celdran DISCLAIMER: Although this is mostly a work of fiction, it is largely based on true events and characters. It seeks to alter the course of actual events that transpired in the 13th Century AD. This story will begin with real events that happened in real history but will become fictional asContinue reading “Byzantine Alternate History Chapter X- The 2nd Bulgarian Empire Captures Constantinople, 1235”

War of the Sicilian Vespers: A Byzantine Epic- Everything about the film

A VERY SPECIAL EDITION ARTICLE WARNING THIS IS AN EXTREMELY LONG ARTICLE BUT ENJOY!! In the middle of the COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020, independent home-based film studio and Youtube channel No Budget Films released its longest Lego film so far with a running time of 47 minutes, the highly action-packed Lego Byzantine era epic WarContinue reading “War of the Sicilian Vespers: A Byzantine Epic- Everything about the film”

Roman and Byzantine Empire Comparison Series- Part3: Imperial Life and Culture

Posted by Powee Celdran WARNING: THIS IS TO BE MY LONGEST ARTICLE SO FAR, IT MAY TAKE DAYS TO READ SO I SUGGEST READ IT PER PART, THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE AN ALL IN ONE ARTICLE ON ROMAN/ BYZANTINE CULTURE!! ANYWAY ENJOY!! Previous Article on the comparison series: Roman and Byzantine armies (Part1) PreviousContinue reading “Roman and Byzantine Empire Comparison Series- Part3: Imperial Life and Culture”

Thoughts on Quarantine, Self-Isolation, and Social Distancing with Stories from Ancient Rome and Byzantium

A Cross-over article of Rome, Byzantium, Russia, Star Wars, and Fallout  Posted by Powee Celdran Welcome back to another Byzantium Blogger article in the time of the global pandemic of the coronavirus which seems to be not only be world threatening but life changing as well very drastically. Because of COVID-19 still ongoing, one of theContinue reading “Thoughts on Quarantine, Self-Isolation, and Social Distancing with Stories from Ancient Rome and Byzantium”

15 Byzantine Related States Outside Byzantium Part2 (8-15)- “Where did Byzantium go?”

Posted by Powee Celdran  Places that succeeded Byzantium physically, politically, and culturally: Latin Empire, Empire of Nicaea, Empire of Trebizond, Despotate of Epirus, Despotate of Morea, March of Montferrat, Vassals of Lesbos and Ainos, Grand Duchy of Moscow (includes the history of Byzantium, Renaissance Italy, and Russia)  “It’s sad to see what became of theContinue reading “15 Byzantine Related States Outside Byzantium Part2 (8-15)- “Where did Byzantium go?””