10 Achievements of Constantine I the Great

Posted by Powee Celdran “With free minds, all are to worship their Gods.” -Constantine I the Great Welcome back to the Byzantium Blogger and here we are again with another Byzantine history article! In this one being the sixth part of this series featuring top lists concerning the lives of certain emperors who I thinkContinue reading “10 Achievements of Constantine I the Great”

The Decline of Western Rome and Eastern rome compared- Crisis of the 3rd Century and the 11th century crisis

Posted by Powee Celdran WARNING: THIS IS A VERY LONG ARTICLE!! Hello and welcome back to another article from the Byzantium Blogger and this time I’m back again with my usual Roman/ Byzantine history posts and this one is going to be an extra special article. My last post was quite unrelated featuring a differentContinue reading “The Decline of Western Rome and Eastern rome compared- Crisis of the 3rd Century and the 11th century crisis”

Imperial Women in the Roman and Byzantine Empires

Posted by Powee Celdran  “For my own part, I adhere to the maxim of antiquity, that throne is a glorious sepulchre” -Empress Theodora of Byzantium, 532 From the Julio-Claudian to the Palaiologos Dynasties  Welcome back to another Byzantium Blogger article! In the past 2 months, I have done a 3-part series on extremely long articlesContinue reading “Imperial Women in the Roman and Byzantine Empires”